In order to make a positive impact on the educational lives of youth, academic intervention and enrichment must start early. So, HEC Upward Bound is making moves in our community.
On Feb. 20, 2015, Mr. Bullard and Ms. Lyles presented Upward Bound to middle school students at Compton-Drew Investigative Learning Center. Images and video footage of current UB students in action prompted many students to learn more about the program. Over 60 youth showed interest in the program and its benefits, such as tutoring, ACT test prep, college tours, and youth networking.
Something tells us that HEC Upward Bound will be welcoming some incredible students into the program who graduate from Compton-Drew ILC this year.
Congrats to the graduating eighth-graders, and thanks for letting us share Upward Bound with you, Compton-Drew ILC.
Mr. Bullard capturing a picture of Ms. Lyles greeting students and answering questions. |