Monday, January 30, 2017

Using your Power to Overcome your Fear

On January 28th, 2017 the HEC Upward Bound Family received the opportunity to watch Hidden Figures.
This was a great movie. It also went along with what our teachers and staff have been talking to the students about.
This movie is based off of real life events. The three main characters:
Mary Jackson
Katherine G. Johnson
Dorothy Vaughn
 These were all three women who represented an even greater group of Black Women who worked for NASA, but were never recognized.
Mary Jackson, was encouraged to fight for a place to receive her engineering degree. When the new IBM machine could not be figured out by the experts, Dorothy Vaughn went to the library and started reading on technology. She got the IBM machine to start working and she became supervisor. Katherine Johnson, she could work with any numbers you gave her. She almost lost her job due to the IBM machine, but NASA needed her. She was able to make sure the Friendship 7 made it to space safely and came back to Earth safely.

What is all this? Each of these ladies used their power to get them where they need to be. There were hundreds of road blocks. Everyone telling them that they were not going to make it. They were sacrificing time with family and practically living where they worked. But they made it. They impacted their work place, family, community and their selves more than they could every imagine.
HEC Upward Bound Family and Partners
Students this can be you. 
Ms. Christina talked to the group multiple times about the powers we hold.
She informed us:
 "Superheroes represent the worlds trust and expectations of 1 being/person, expected to have supernatural powers to rescues the, from harm and danger. Most superheroes have certain powers that can only defeat certain things. Superheroes usually have moral character- they do things for the greater good."
Have you thought about what characteristics you want to stand out that you have?
Mrs. Turner talked about the other hand which is FEAR. She explained that Fear can have two definitions"Forget Everything And Run"
"Face Everything And Rise"

The moral of the story: Realize your vision. Facing your fear means that you know and respect yourself more and your confidence grows.

This is what HEC Upward Bound is all about. Helping you to realize that you are the change you need to be. You have the power to overcome your fear.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Using your Power and Knowing your Responsibility

This last Saturday of the academy really toned into who we are, what powers we have and what our responsibilities are. Ms. Christina talked to the seniors specifically about their power. Mrs. Tuner gave us some hard truth to deal with.

Both conversation empowered us as a group, but also it brought us to some realities.

Mrs. Tuner posed the questions "Are you feeding your mind or is your mind feeding you?"
in other words what are you doing to overcome those obstacles? Yes, we all (including adults) go through peer pressure. No one wants to be the "lame." When everyone is saying yes to what society tells us, we do not want to be the one person who is different and says "no."Which in all honestly you do not have to.
If you choose to smoke that cigarette, know the consequences.
If you choose to take that drink. Then don't be surprised when something negative happens.
When you decide to say "no" when everyone else has said "yes." Be prepared to lose people in your life that said they would always have your back.

We are all in charge of our own life. There are somethings that we can stop.

Mrs. Turner asked all students to name three things that they fear. What is it that is taking over your mind? What is it that is stopping you from being successful? Sometimes we have to just take that step and overcome that thing.

Sometimes you, Parents, Students and Staff, are your biggest enemy! You are feeding your mind with "CAN'Ts" instead of "I'm going to try." or "I'm going to ask for help." That is where we as people need to change! We are the stoppers in our life!
Face your fear and know your power!


Amanda Watts has been accepted in Harris-Stowe State University 

Important Messages:
NEW Students: We need your 1040 Tax Form before February 28th,2017!
HEC Upward Bound has a Field Trip this Saturday January 28th,2017
Contact Ms.Nolan for more Details:
314-535-6670 Ext. 1012 

Just For Fun :
Look at all these educated and college bound  HEC Upward Bound Women!

Hey Morgan and Tamia!

Hey Leanna and Ke'Shaun! What super powers do you all hold?

The seniors mirroring one another to discover the definition of power.

Ms. Christina encouraging the seniors to discover their power

Mrs. Tuner talking to us about FEAR

Monday, January 16, 2017

It's a New Year-Thats Means it's Time to Recognize your Power!

Power! Whaatt??

Why is HEC Upward Bound talking about power? We are just humans. Humans don't have power.

Oh, but yes you do! Each person has their own power that they bring to this world. Over this past Saturday session, a couple students discovered their power. Some said that their powers are love, respect, and intelligence.

Power is defined as (from our best friend google):
the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.


the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.   

  Looking at both of these definitions we can see that your power has an effect on someone else in some kind of way. 

But, YOU,  students each hold a power. You bring something to this world. If you can not think of anything else, then just be reminded that you are part of a family, HEC Upward Bound, where we bring up nothing, but leaders and that is your power, Leadership. But we know you have more than one power.

 Ms. Nolan has developed a Peer Leadership Group. There are seven individuals who have signed a contract to be in this program. The requirements were behavior, commitment to the program, grades and attitude. We would like to celebrate and congratulate the 2017 HEC Upward Bound Peer Leaders:
(From Left to Right) Anthony Rogers, Nate Norman Jr., Miracle Baker, Kendra McCall,  Keith Williams and Samuel Lewis. (Missing Shaila Jones)

Senior Shout out:
Ke'Shaun Hill has been accepted into Southeast Missouri State University and Indiana Tech!


Mr. Mayham loves his students! He taught the students about the wonderful Dr. King!

Mr. Bullard does not play about College Acceptance! He is making sure Aaliyah has everything that she needs!

Ms. Christina loves to empower the students. She has started a series on Power!

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