Saturday, October 14, 2017

New Series: The "Why" of the HEC UB Staff

The HEC UB staff will be giving feedback as to why they are here as a college & career professional.

This week we will hear from our very own Director of HEC Upward Bound, Mr. Armstrong:
"In high school, I did not have many people to help me prepare for college. I made many mistakes that I would have avoided if I had known better. I studied Biology in college and worked in that field for a while, but was drawn toward education. The reason I enjoy my current position so much is because I get to teach young people the lessons I wish someone would have taught me. It is my way of giving back."

 Mr. Armstrong is a husband, father, son and a professional who has dedicated his life to teaching youth the lessons that he wished he would have known when he was growing up.

Mr. Armstrong also has a scholarship in honor of his mother. This scholarship provides $1,000 per year for 4 years while attending college.

Mr. Armstrong is a strong and structured leader who believes in discipline but providing a positive opportunity for the people coming up behind his team and him.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

If you want it then go get it!

Hello to the HEC UB family, friends & partners!

We have missed you all! The summer was very eventful and very encouraging. We came back into the school year hitting the ground running. We are so very excited for this school year and we have plenty of new ideas and programs that we hope you all will enjoy. 

Recap of last year:
  • Last year we focused on the "Super Powers" that we have within ourselves. 
  • We watched all the Kung Fu Panda movies and related the movies to our lives
  • Every teacher related their lessons to "super powers"
  • We visited Atlanta, Georgia for the college tour 

What's new for this year: 

  • This year's theme is Success: Leaving a Family Legacy
  •  We will be focusing on what Success looks like to each of us individually and recognizing what type of legacy we want to leave behind for the next generation to pick up!
  • We will continue our Parent Meetings on the second Saturday that we meet each month, but there will be the theme for each of those meetings. We are calling them "Spirit Saturdays."
  • October 21st is the first "Spirit Saturday."  It will be Health & Fitness. Families are encouraged to wear "Gym Clothes to Saturday Academy."
  • This year we are welcoming almost 20 new participants within the program
  • We have started our very own "Series" titled Education & Family! Be on the lookout for episodes!

What to expect:
  • This year we are looking for students who want to be here. We are looking for that motivation to get to that success you see for yourself.
  • We are a program that was developed to be a support system and to help guide, but students and family know that YOU have to want it for yourself. 
  • While we want to save everyone and while we want to see success in each and every one of your lives, you have to want it just as bad as we want it for you!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Congratulations Mr. Bullard

Recently Mr. Bullard was promoted from College and Career Specialist to Education Advisor. Marvin started working with HEC Upward Bound in 2012 in minor capacities. His diligence and ability to connect with our students resulted in a promotion to College and Career Specialist in 2014. His continued display of excellent character, high aptitude in all aspects of college preparation, and dedication to student success has led to yet another promotion.

Mr.   Bullard loves his job with HEC Upward Bound. His goal is to work with students just like him. Mr. Bullard wants every student that he comes into contact with to have more positive outcomes then negative. He hopes to continue to assist students with  their future.

Please join HEC Upward Bound in congratulating Mr. Bullard on this well-earned accomplishment!