Thursday, December 7, 2017

Stress Handling

It's that time of the year!



                                                                                                    STRESS .

School can be stressful. Life can be stressful. And then on top of that, you have the nerve to care about your future and come to Upward Bound two Saturdays out of the month.

When it's finals week, you have AP courses, tournaments, community service, family functions, work and the holidays; life seems to just hit you!

You know how you can tell its the end of the semester?
  • Things keep falling (literally)
  • Up later than usual
  • All assignments are due at one time
  • Days you requested off months ago at work; seem to be lost in transaction
  • There is a tournament and/or competition every weekend
  • Every paper and project is due on the same night
  • You're more emotional
  • People say that you're cranky
  • All you want to do is eat junk food and watch Netflix


How do you handle all the stress?

One: Acknowledge that you are stressed and pinpoint what is the underlining issue.

Example: You work too many hours which means you're not focusing as much on academics. Which then leads to you not being prepared for finals.
Step 1: "I am stressed."
Step 2: "I'm probably working too much
Step 3: "I have not had time to study which means I am not ready for finals."

Two: Ask for help.
We live in a world where asking for help is like a disease. We just don't want it. It means we're doing something wrong if we ask for help. But seek out help. Talk to a counselor or talk to someone who is unbiased. Do not always talk to people that you are close with. We have a lot of "Yes-men" in our lives, but we need those tough-love conversations. Seek a counselor or therapist, talk to your doctor, find a mentor or find a support group OR you can even talk to a teacher or coach!

Three: Coping Skills

Find a hobby that is healthy that will help you cope with your stress.
Buy a planner to help you better organize.
Something to take your mind off of the stress and recharge your body. 

Four: Remember your support system!
HEC UB is a support system for you. You can always reach out to the staff, teachers and remember we have a social worker that is strictly here for you! Use us!