There is a book called "Where's Waldo?" People love this book because you have to find Waldo in a picture that is filled with activities and different people. Waldo has on a specific outfit. The whole objective is simple:
Find Waldo.

Here at HEC Upward Bound; We do not want to be a Waldo. We do not want to be hard to find. When people look at us we want them to see something different. People should see something unique.

There is a lot happening in the world today where everyone looks and acts alike. Here at HEC Upward Bound; we want to stand out. While school is not as easy as it used to be and students are dealing with way more than some adults ever have; we are a safe place and a supportive place. This is the reason why we strive so hard to keep parents in the loop and invite families of our participants to come and join us.
HEC Upward Bound wants to build up students academically, financially, and personally!