Tuesday, March 10, 2015

This Week in Saturday Academy 2/28/15

By: C. Lyles
Ms. Lyles addressing Upward Bound students.
Following our academic sessions this past Saturday, parents joined students for the monthly parent-student meeting where they learned what does and doesn’t work in college. Upward Bound’s very own Ms. Lyles was the speaker.  If you missed it, here are her top 5 takeaways:

5. “It’ll take more than what you did in high school to be successful in college.” Form study groups. Start assignments ahead of time. Visit the tutoring and writing centers on campus; they’re not just for those who need help but for those who want to stay ahead. Find an organization or club on campus where you can connect with others because you won’t make it on your own.
Will this be you when your
college tuition bill is due?

4. “Get your money right!” Get as many scholarships as possible; large and small because they add up, and if you must get loans, remember these two cardinal rules: 1) Only take what you need; nothing more. 2) Get SUBSIDIZED only!... Speaking of money, the next point is crucial.

3. “You can have a degree in a field that will pay a lot, but if you only did it for the money, you won’t stay happy.” So, figure out what you are naturally good at doing and what you’re interested in. Go in that direction because like Ms. Lyles said, “If you pursue passion, money will find you.”

2. “Study abroad will change your life.” If your college has a study abroad program, pick a place and go! The rich cultural experiences will single-handedly change the way your see the world and yourself for the better. And yes, financial aid helps cover many programs!   

1. “Know yourself.” Who are you? Know who you are and embrace it. Don’t join clubs and groups that fail to suite your interests or affirm and build you up. You’re still valuable, loved, and worthy if you don’t follow the crowd.
Next Saturday Academy: March 14, 2015

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