Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The 7 S's to Success

Miracle Baker, Nylah Burns and Zykiah Williams received an opportunity to attend The Girls in STEM Conference. These ladies applied and they were recommended from a HEC Upward Bound Staff member. They got to be chaperoned by Ms. Garnett and Ms. Nolan. The Girls in STEM conference focuses on encouraging young women interested in STEM to fulfill their dreams.

 Marlin Willaims, Diversity & Inclusion Educator,  Media Contributor,STEM Strategist and Founder of Sister Code,and a motivational speaker was the keynote speaker for the Girls in STEM conference.

 One thing she discussed is pursuing her own businesses that showcased her talents of singing, but there were "Grown Folk" that told her she would not get anywhere with singing. She developed two of her own businesses, but let them go because she listened to "grown folk." Her message was "sometimes you can not listen to folk. Just nod your head and say ok!" 
 Ms. Williams gave us 7's in Pursuing a STEm Career.
  1. Self-Love- Without self-love there is nothing that can move forward. How do I feel about myself? This affects our confidence from the personal to the professional. Remember: What other people think about you is not your issue! 
  2. Self-Belief-  You have to believe in your-self. "I believe I am good at what I do! It is alright to make the wrong decision because it will happen. 
  3. Self-Talk -  What are you saying about yourself? The words you say are power. An example of this is when we say we are broke. Instead of saying "I am broke." Say, "I am choosing not to purchase that thing today." 
  4. Self-Care-  When you have self-care people will not bring negative,gossip or bad talk to you. We need to take care of ourselves in order to be successful. You are not someone;s trashcan. Do not allow people to bring you trash. Tell them to keep that stuff over there. But when you know yourself and you hold yourself up high, people will not even tempt to bring you mess. 
  5. STEP-Taking the first step- There is power in the first step. Why not try it? There is no worse case scenario. You can want something really bad, but there needs to be action in order to get what you want. 
  6. Sister's Keeper- Uphold one another. Your sister is pretty much you. Think of the women in your life and look at them as sisters.  When you build up your confidence; another woman is not your problem-another woman is not intimidating to you!
  7. Swagg/Swagger- This is your confidence!Get yourself a Swagg song. A Swagg song is that song that puts you in the mindset of getting your business done and it getting done effectively.

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