Monday, August 14, 2017

Gateways's Jaguars Stemming through the Summer Academy of 2017

Gateway STEM high school has been a target school for HEC Upward Bound for years! HEC Upward has worked along side students, principals, counselors and teacher to ensure that the students are prepared for graduation.

This summer we had five Gateway Students who attended our Summer Academy. 
Christina Bui
Breyana Parker 
Alyssa Ussery
Aigner Williams
Keith Wiliams

Gateway always sends us students who have goals and they make sure that they are going to reach their goals. Gateway students hold their standards high and always develop a plan to get to their goal AND show off their leadership skills.

Keith Williams showing off his professional wear!
Keith showing off his super hero cape
Ms. Williams & Keith Williams
Keith Williams & Ms. Nolan
Because of Keith's academic work, he has been working with the group that is older than him. He is now a senior and will be graduating in May, 2018.

2017's Seniors & Keith showing off their Capes to represent their super powers within themselves.

Aigner Willaims
Aigner & Christina

Sibling Love
Aigner modeling

Alyssa Ussery

Alyssa & Director, Mr. Armstrong
Alyssa & her family
Mr. Bullard & Alyssa during field day
Alyssa volunteering

Breyana Parker

Breyana Parker & Ms. Williams practicing speech
Breyana modeling for the photography class

Bryana hanging out during field day
Breyana leading an activity for "Girl's Night"

Christina Bui

Just posing for the photography club

Chrisitna and Aigner hanging out with their group

Why so serious?

Chrsitina presenting in her real uniform!

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