Upward Bound Is One of Eight TRiO Programs Pt. 1
Some people are not aware that Upward Bound is apart of a collection of federally-funded, academic enrichment programs that were a result of the Education Opportunity Act of 1964 and the Higher Education Act in 1965. The TRiO moniker stems from the original three programs that resulted from these Acts: Upward Bound, Talent Search, and Student Support Services.
With a growing demand for assisting economically disadvantaged and first-generation students successfully graduate from high school and attain a bachelors degree, TRiO has grown from three to eight programs. If you never knew the breakdown between the programs or that were even different programs, you're in luck. Part two of this post will offer a quick description of the eight programs that are TRiO. For now, see if you recognize any of the program names.
Upward Bound
Upward Bound Math & Science
Veterans Upward Bound
Educational Talent Search
Student Support Services-
Education Opportunity Centers
Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program
Training Program for Federal TRiO Staff